As pastor of Independent Baptist Church in Clinton, Maryland, I would like to recommend Rick and Shannon Dove and their three children for your missions’ family. Rick and Shannon faithfully served in our Hispanic Ministry here at Independent Baptist Church for many years and were a great blessing. Following the Lord’s command, the Doves established a thriving Hispanic church, Abundant Life Baptist Church, in North Carolina. From there, they traveled to Costa Rica, and furthered their knowledge of the Spanish language. Most recently, they have been involved in establishing two churches in Costa Rica: Berea Baptist Church of Escazu and the San Rafael Baptist Church of Heredia. Since arriving in Costa Rica, the cost of living has increased. In addition, the difficult economic times in the States have had a saddening effect on the Dove’s support level – leaving too little with which to live. I hope that you will add the Rick Dove family to your prayer list and also consider them for a possible addition to your missions’ family. As their pastor, I can see God’s hand of blessing on them and I know you will not regret the decision to add them. Thank you for your time.
I trust that this letter finds you well and enjoying the blessing of our Lord. The purpose of this letter is to recommend to you the Rick Dove family. Brother Rick and his family have been faithful servants of God for many years. After planting and establishing a Hispanic church in North Carolina, they returned to Costa Rica where they had studied Spanish. Since being in that country he has been involved in establishing two churches, the Berea Baptist Church of Escazú and the San Rafael Baptist Church of Heredia. As his field director, I have been a firsthand witness to his hard work and dedication to our Lord. As you consider the work of missions, please prayerfully consider investing your support in the Dove family. I know you will see fruit that abounds to your account in heaven.